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  • Some symptoms of a bad automatic transmission gear-shift indicator include a malfunctioning indicator light, an illuminated gear that doesn’t move, and an illuminated check engine light.
  • A failure in the shifter or sensors frequently results in a flashing gear selector light.
  • A bad shift indicator can affect your safety because there’s an increased risk of misinterpreting the gear lever’s position.

An automatic transmission vehicle has several shift lever positions. It’s important to know the gear setting for your vehicle while you’re using it. That’s why your vehicle has a gear selection indicator that illuminates the letters alongside the gear lever positions. In some vehicles, there’s also a gear-shifting indicator located on the dashboard.

Bad Automatic Transmission Gear-Shift Indicator Symptoms

When the gear shift indicator light isn’t working your vehicle might show the following signs:

automatic transmission gear shift in neutral
Your vehicle has a gear selection indicator that illuminates the letters alongside the gear lever positions called the automatic transmission gear-shift indicator.

Illuminates the Wrong Gear Setting

Imagine thinking that you’ve set your vehicle on park, but then your vehicle rolls backward because it was actually in neutral. There can also be situations where people press the gas and find themselves going in reverse.

Having a malfunctioning gear selection indicator light can be a big problem, especially if you rely on visual cues from the transmission shift indicator to determine your gear setting.

Keep in mind that a gear selection light can also flash if the shifter or the shift sensor encounters a problem.

Most of the time if there is a failure in the shifter or sensors then the gear selection light will flash.

Anthony Harlin, ASE Certified Master Automobile Technician

The Illuminated Gear Doesn’t Move

Sometimes the illuminated gear stays in a permanent position. This can also mislead you about the gear lever’s position.

A faulty gear shift indicator, transmission shifter cable or transmission position sensor can also cause gear-shift indicator light issues.

illuminated check engine light
The gear-shifting indicator light can be controlled by the TPS, and if the PCM detects a faulty TPS, it will most likely turn on the check engine light on your vehicle’s dashboard.

Illuminated Check Engine Light

The gear-shifting indicator light can be controlled by other sensors, such as the transmission position sensor (TPS). If the powertrain control module (PCM) detects a faulty TPS, then it will most likely turn on the check engine light on your vehicle’s dashboard.

There might be times when the illuminated gear represents the actual gear that the transmission is set to. There are other times when the gear lever position will dictate which gear is set. If your vehicle has a faulty gear shift, knowing which gear has been set can be difficult. Sometimes, it might require you to test the selected gear setting to check whether your vehicle will move forward, backward, or stay still.

If you don’t fix a bad shift indicator right away, it can affect your safety, especially in the dark, when there’s a higher risk of misinterpreting the gear lever’s position. This issue can also prevent your issue to start since it doesn’t know whether it’s in the correct shift position. Once you begin to see signs of a faulty gear-shift indicator, ask a trusted mechanic to check your vehicle.

About The Authors
Written By Automotive and Tech Writers

The Research Team is composed of experienced automotive and tech writers working with (ASE)-certified automobile technicians and automotive journalists to bring up-to-date, helpful information to car owners in the US. Guided by's thorough editorial process, our team strives to produce guides and resources DIYers and casual car owners can trust.

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Tony Harlin is a Master Gas and Diesel Diagnostic Technician with over 18 years of experience. He works full-time at a large independent automotive shop as a driveability and repair technician working on all types of vehicles with a focus on diesels. ASE certifications include A1-A9, L1 and L2, as well as X1.

Any information provided on this Website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace consultation with a professional mechanic. The accuracy and timeliness of the information may change from the time of publication.

File Under : Transmission , DIY
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